FAI Schools Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Football Association of Ireland Schools will take place on Saturday, November 9, 2013 at the Clarion Hotel, Dublin Airport commencing at 11am

Please note that Leinster shall be entitled to send not more that eighteen delegates, while Munster, Connacht and Ulster shall be entitled to send not more than nine delegates: Not more than one third of each Branch Delegation shall be from any one Section: Please inform each Section in your Branch regarding this stipulation:

Nominations for positions as National Honorary Officers and delegates to the FAI Senior Council must be forwarded in writing through Branch Secretaries and be received by the National Honorary Secretary not later than Wednesday, October 30, 2013:

The National Honorary Secretary shall forward to each Branch Secretary the list of nominations not later than Friday, November 1, 2013:

Notice Motions for the Annual General Meeting must be received by the National Honorary Secretary in writing through Branch Secretaries not later than Wednesday, October 30, 2013