The Annual General Meeting of the Football Association of Ireland Schools will take place on Saturday, 7 of November 2009 at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone commencing at 11:30am:
Please note that Leinster shall be entitled to send not more that eighteen delegates, while Munster, Connacht and Ulster shall be entitled to send not more than nine delegates: Not more than one third of each Branch Delegation shall be from any one Section: Please inform each Section in your Branch regarding this stipulation:
1: Notice of the Meeting
2: Apologies
3: Election of a Chairman for the meeting in the absence of the National Chairman and the National Vice Chairman
4: Correspondence
5: Minutes of Council meetings held in the previous year to be read
6: Matters arising from the minutes and adoption of the minutes
7: Administrator’s annual report to be read and adopted
8: Honorary Treasurer’s annual report to be read and adopted
9: Audited accounts for the Branches and the Association to be presented and adopted
10: Honorary Delegate to the Football Association of Ireland’s written report to be read and adopted
11: Ratification of the Council’s decisions of the previous year
12: Ratification of the appointment of any delegate to the National Executive who is the subject of Article 4(b) of the Constitution
13: Election of President
14: Election of Vice President
15: Election of the Honorary Officers
15:1 Chairman
15:2 Vice Chairman
15:3 Secretary
15:4 Treasurer
15:5 Delegate to the Football Association of Ireland
16: Nominations to committees of the Football Association of Ireland
17: Notice Motions
18: AOB