The Leinster Branch is the body responsible for the overall functioning of competitions at Leinster level.
The Leinster Branch's role is to:
1) oversee the affiliation & competition entry procedure for the province.
2) ensure the seemly running of the various Leinster Sections & their competitions
3) oversee the financial affairs of the Branch
4) ensure the participation of Leinster Boys & Girls provincial teams in the Annual Inter-provincial competitions
5) co-operate with the National Executive & Administrator in all relevant areas.
The officers of the Leinster Branch are:
Chairperson: Hugh Colhoun: hugh.colhoun@faischools.ie
Vice-Chairperson: Billy Forbes: billy.forbes@faischools.ie
Honorary Secretary: Joe Carroll: joe.carroll@faischools.ie
Treasurers: Gavan Kierans & Fintan Sheridan: ;einstertreasurer@faischools.ie
Any correspondence/queries should be addressed to the Branch Honorary Secretary, Joe Carroll
Each Branch is divided into three sections, which have responsibility for the operation of all competitions under their remit.
The Boys Section looks after competitions for Post-Primary Boys Schools.
The officers of the Boys Section are:
Chairperson: Billy Forbes: billy.forbes@faischools.ie
Vice-Chairperson: Gavan Kierans: gavan.kierans@faischools.ie
Honorary Secretary: Declan McGrath: declan.mcgrath@faischools.ie
All correspondence/queries should be addressed via the Boys Section Honorary Secretary, Declan McGrath
The Girls Section looks after competitions for Post-Primary Girls Schools.
The officers of the Girls Section are:
Chairperson: Rob Ellison; rob.ellison@faischools.ie
Vice-Chairperson: Scott Gaynor: scott.gaynor@faischools.ie
Honorary Secretary: Maura Gaffney: maura.gaffney@faischools.ie
All correspondence/queries should be addressed via the Girls Section Honorary Secretary, Maura Gaffney
The Primary Section looks after competitions for Primary Schools, generally on a school-by-school basis:
The officers of the Primary Section are:
Honorary Secretary:
All correspondence/queries should be addressed via the Primary Section Honorary Secretary,
In addition, competitions may be run in schools directly by the FAI, via its National Schools Administrative Officer, Diane Fay: diane.fay@fai.ie or the Regional Development Officers. These include the National Cup competitions & FUTSAL competitions. Please contact Diane Fay for details.