Player Suspension is covered by the following rule (2017-18 Text):
3.2: Offences
3.2.1: Misconduct by Players: Any player sent off in a match in any competition of the Section/Branch is automatically suspended from further participation in any competitions of the Section/Branch or of the Association, until the school concerned has been notified of the disciplinary decision of the Section/Branch or Association. Any player cautioned in any four matches of the Section/Branch, or of the Association in any one season, is automatically suspended from further participation in any competitions of the Section/Branch or of the Association. This suspension will commence immediately after the school has been notified of the suspension imposed. In the case of specific incident reports on player misconduct received, the mentor of the team will be summonsed to make representations, either in person or in writing, at the next applicable Committee Meeting. The Committee Meeting will then decide on the course of action to be pursued, if any. The right is reserved to sanction an infringement which has escaped the referee’s notice.
Suspensions carry over to the following season if they cannot be served during the current season.
Suspensions apply to all competitions, cup or league - they are not competition specific.
Under GDPR, we cannot publish lists of currently suspended players or lists of outstanding suspensions from previous seasons (which are notifed as part of the registered post in August).
Any suspension related queries, please e-mail declan.mcgrath@faischools.ie