The North East Dublin Futsal qualifiers took place in Greendale Community Centre on Thursday 22January under the guidance of Development Officers Denis Hyland, Sharon Boyle and Jamie Wilson:
The competition catered for third and fourth class children: Schools participating in the event included Scoil Eoin Kilbarrack, Pope John Paul Malahide, St: Peters & Paul Baldoyle, St:Oliver Plunketts Malahide, North Bay Kilbarrack, St:Benedicts Kilbarrack and St: Francis Mountview:
Scoil Eoin defeated Pope John Paul Malahide 2/1 on penalties in the final, with both teams progressing to the Fingal Finals on 27 January: The winners of this competition will progress to the Leinster Finals which will be held on 10 February:
Denis Hyland FAI/Fingal CC Football Development Officerstated, “It’s great to see all these young footballers playing in an organised tournament, showcasing their skills, playing without competing in a great spirit: We owe a ‘big thank you’ to all the teachers who have given up their time to take the kids here today, I think the biggest reward for them is all the many smiling faces we see around us”: