Hi all,
We hope all is well with you as we return to a new FAI Schools Leinster year in 2023-24. Please ensure that you read all contents below, BEFORE you enter your school in competitions.
Entry Process:
**NB** Before you begin the entry process, please ensure that you have all mentor details – mobile number, e-mail address etc. to hand. Also, please ensure that Boys & Girls entries are completed on the same form.
Entry is online only through Comortais Competition Software, as per the process below:
Step One: Go to www.faischools.ie/leinster
Step Two: On the right hand side of the page, you will see three boxes – click on the box that says ‘Affiliation & Competition Entry – Click Here’.
Step Three: You will be brought to the entry ‘terms & conditions & GDPR compliance page’. Please read all & click on the FAI Schools crest to access the entry form/s for all boys & girls competitions.
Step Four: You will be brought to the competition entry page – there are five separate entry forms:
- Senior Cup & League – Boys & Girls
- Junior Cup & League – Boys & Girls
- TY Cup – Boys only
- Minor Cup & League – Boys & Girls
- First Year Cup & League – Boys & Girls
Please complete the details for your school on all entry forms applicable. All forms will be open from 9am on Thursday 24th August 2023.
If amendments are needed AFTER you have completed your entry form, please DO NOT RESUBMIT YOUR ENTRY – e-mail any changes to declan.mcgrath@faischools.ie asap
Step Five: Once you have completed the entry form, get your squad together & await the issuing of fixtures.
Entry Deadlines:
Deadline 1: Senior Cups & Leagues only by Wednesday 6/9/23
Deadline 2: Junior & Minor League & Cups, TY Cup by Friday 15/9/23
Deadline 3: First Year League & Cup by Wednesday 27/9/22
No entries allowed after these deadlines. Deadlines are at 6pm on the dates listed.
Age Groups for Season 2023-24:
Age Group |
Date Criteria |
Senior Boys (U-19) |
Born on or after 1/1/2005 |
Senior Girls (U-20) |
Born on or after 1/1/2004 |
Junior (U-17) |
Born on or after 1/1/2007 |
Minor (U-15) |
Born on or after 1/1/2009 |
First Year (U-14)* |
Born on or after 1/1/2010 *must be First Years – underage Second Years are not eligible |
Timescale of Competitions:
Age Group |
Cup Timeline |
League Timeline |
Senior (U-19) |
October-February |
October-February |
Junior (U-17) |
Late November- March |
October-February |
Minor (U-15) |
Early November-March |
October-February |
First Year (U-14) |
December-March |
November-March |
Girls competitions may work on a slightly different timescale – any queries can be directed to Girls Section Secretary Maura Gaffney – maura.gaffney@faischools.ie
**NB** Boys Competitions for the Leinster Champions League at Senior, Junior & Minor age groups must be in place by February 1st, with qualifiers for the First Year Champions League required by March 1st.
Group stages of the Senior, Junior & Minor Leagues will close on December 1st.
Group stages of the First Year Leagues will close on January 19th.
Payment of Fees:
All schools will be invoiced, by e-mail, in November, once all entries are finalised.
Outstanding Suspensions:
All outstanding suspensions not completed in 2021-22 or 2022-23 MUST be served in Season 2023-24. Copies of any relevant suspensions are enclosed.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me – e-mail is always the quickest – declan.mcgrath@faischools.ie
On behalf of the Executive Committee
Declan McGrath
Honorary Secretary,
FAI Schools, Leinster Branch,
Boys Section (Post-Primary)